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Episode 91 How to create grow and build a network that helps you stay FULL in PP
Startup Nation, Meet:
Jo Muirhead

When I was a little girl I want to change the world. I didn’t know how, I didn’t really know why – all I knew was that I wanted to make an impact in a world where people were hurting. I studied Rehabilitation Counselling and graduated from the University of Sydney in 1994. I didn’t understand that having this undergraduate degree would provide me a foundation for helping people to take back control of their lives following injury, illness and trauma. I’ve been practicing as a clinician for 20 years. I smile as I remember some of the client’s who have overcome insurmountable odds to be alive, to walk again, to return to their families; to manage their pain; to represent their country at the Olympics; who can’t walk but learn to fly a plane….. people are amazing.
I passionately believe that private practice is the change we need in health care. Private Practice is good for the client, its good for the community, it’s good for the clinician.
Every time we as a clinician empower someone – to heal; to accept; to grieve; to build; to trust we are doing so much more than just influencing 1 person. . We are influencing a family. And when we influence families we influence communities. When we influence communities we influence cities. When we influence cites we influence the state – when we influence states we will change NATIONS.
Show Notes:
How I grew my practice from $0-$250K in the first 12 months using this strategy and NO WEBSITE.
What a Network is and what it isn’t!
Why you n only need 5 people in this network
How to choose your 5 Favorite people.
What to do with them once you have chosen them
Why the 12 week 5 Favorite People program is a MUST.
Resources & Giveaways
Guest's Contact Info:

Brighter Vision- Website building is no joke! It’s super time consuming, overwhelming, and pricey if you work with an independent website consultant.
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Meet Your Co-Hosts:
What’s up #StartupNation!?! We’re so excited you’re here. In case you’re new to our community, I’m Dr. Kate Campbell, LMFT (on the right) and my business partner aka “BP” Katie Lemieux, LMFT is on the left.
We both built our thriving, 6-figure full-fee private practices from the ground up and love inspiring ambitious mental health professionals across the globe to brand themselves and grow their dream private practice!
We have a blast co-hosting the podcast! We look forward to inspiring you from startup to mastery!